Air Force


Deja Vu: My Art of Being Alone

the art of being alone

Today feels all too familiar. I just got home from dropping Nate off at the airport. He’s headed to Maryland to start training for his new job. And I’m staying back in Seattle, alone. I might be a little rusty on how to do life alone, but I think it will come back quick. The dogs and I used to be pros. For the first half of our relationship, Nate was still on active duty. He was deployed for at...

Hi, I’m Kim and I’m an Air Force Veteran

air force veteran nurse

For some, the fact that I am a veteran is surprising. I get it. Before I joined the Air Force I had a pretty interesting picture of what a “military” type is. Now having spent six years on active duty, I have a very different picture. Help me, Google! I’ll start by saying I jumped in to this adventure knowing less than little about the military. Quite honestly I didn’t even know there was an actual different between the different...